Meet the Members of heavenly hunks: Ali Cornelison

Meet the Members of heavenly hunks: Ali Cornelison

We have a small, expert team of enthusiastic snack lovers who are dedicated to bringing you the most delicious foods sourced from the most sustainable ingredients. While we learn more about you and your snacking needs, we hope you also enjoy getting to know us better through a series of interviews where you’ll meet the incredible people behind heavenly hunks. First up, meet Ali!

1. What's your name?

Ali Cornelison

2. How long have you been part of the heavenly hunks team?

A little over two years.

3. What do you do for heavenly hunks 

Marketing Coordinator

4. What's a day at the office like?

Honestly, there isn’t a typical day at work, which is what I LOVE about my job. I normally start with checking my email and respond to our amazing customers. From there I either manage our social media accounts or connect with influencers who want to collaborate with our brand.

5. What did you do before joining heavenly hunks?

I am currently a senior at the University of St. Thomas, so school has kept me busy. In a good way!

6. What's your favorite thing about working at heavenly hunks?

heavenly hunks company's culture is one of my favorite things about working here...besides taste testing the hunks. There has never been a day that I have left the office without smiling or laughing. Everyone in the office has a “work hard, play hard” mentality. Casey and Ellen are so caring.

7. What's your favorite heavenly hunks flavor?

Without a doubt it would be the Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip. It tastes like a Reese's peanut butter cup but better and better for you!

8. What's one thing readers might now know about heavenly hunks?

The first year and a half E&C's Snacks was in business, Ellen and Casey made the hunks themselves by hand and delivered them themselves.

9. What's your second favorite snack food (behind heavenly hunks!)?

Ellen's gluten free muffins or an apple and peanut butter.

10. Tell us something people might be surprised to know about you.

Something a lot of people might not know about me is I am an adrenaline junky. I LOVE heights. Bungee jumping and skydiving are right up my ally and I try to either do one or the other when I go on vacation.

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